New world of communication

Whereas in the past it was the competition between individual companies that posed major challenges for companies, in the future this will be replaced by the changes taking place at a global level. What is more, new business models are emerging that are calling existing structures into question.

Some companies see this as an existential threat, while others discover new opportunities and come up with new, innovative ideas themselves.

The challenge

  • Environmental disruption, such as climate change
  • Social disruption, such as Covid-19
  • Technological disruption, such as digitalization
  • Economic disruption, such as economic crises

Risk or opportunity?

Depending on how a company sets sail, i.e. pursues the right business idea, is properly positioned on the market and communicates, these disruptions can also turn into real opportunities.

Time for a new agency model

This increasing dynamism has also changed the demands on contemporary communications agencies. That these global changes exist has been known at least since the Club of Rome pointed out “The Limits to Growth”.

The agency model for the future

This is the reason REICHLUNDPARTNER launched an internal process years ago and worked together with professors and students from respected European and American universities on a concept for the future. We are particularly proud of our exchange with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Co-President of the Club of Rome.

Our value proposition

And that’s how our agency model for future “challenges” came about.

Because at the end of the day, we have a single aim – to make our customers more competitive long term through intelligent positioning ideas and communication strategies.

Interdisciplinary thinking needed

The Agency for the Future is a large team of specialists and generalists who master the positioning of brands and the conceptualization of communication strategies with excellence, develop high-quality content and brand-building design, and support companies of all types during the age of digital transformation.

Future Thinking

However, we will go one step further and also increasingly support our customers in developing their entrepreneurial vision and value system and work with them on new business ideas and business strategies.

This is because the power of the brand is losing ground to new, innovative business ideas.

An inspiring driving force

The agency for the future takes a holistic and proactive approach and is an inspiring driving force. And that is why we have also redefined our organizational structure and processes and formed interdisciplinary teams to solve both simple and complex tasks.

“The Power of We”

Our performance is made possible by our team of over 170 highly trained, experienced creative and knowledge workers from all areas of expertise in marketing communications. We have thus become a valuable sparring partner for many of our customers over the years.

Up to any task

“We’re big enough to handle complex tasks yet small enough to provide personalized attention.”

Get to know us.


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