Agencies are a dime a dozen in Austria. And many of them have specialized in sub-areas. There are pitch consultants, brand consultants, advertising agencies, media agencies, PR agencies, online agencies, social media agencies, event agencies, direct marketing agencies, ... But holistic full-service agencies that cover a 360-degree spectrum exist only among the largest agencies in the country.
It is up to the agencies' clients to decide for themselves whether it is better to divide up their communications strategy among several specialists or to have everything designed from a single source. In addition, more and more companies in Austria are losing their decision-making authority over marketing and are thus hiring purely local implementation agencies, unless they are tied to an international network anyway.
While there are no meaningful bullet points for pitch consultants and brand consultants, the agency market is very transparent. After the boom of the agency multinationals, domestic, owner-managed agencies now seem to be becoming popular again.
The largest full-service advertising agencies in Austria.
Comparing Austria's agencies on the basis of the billings collected by Focus Media Research results in the annually published ranking of the largest classical advertising agencies in Austria.
The Medianet Ranking 2013 also surveyed the agencies' image among customers. Surprising for many was the strong position of Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur.
The communications industry is changing, with new communication channels displacing existing ones. And thus, rankings must also be reinterpreted. Among the largest full-service advertising agencies in Austria count in alphabetical order: Baschnegger, Blink, Cayenne, Como, Conquest, Createam, DDB Tribal, Demner, Merlicek und Bergmann, Die Jungen Wilden, Dirnberger de Felice, Draftfcb Partners, falknerreiss, Gruber & Company, Havas Worldwide, Habeson, Doucha, Hartinger, Ideenwerk, Jung von Matt, JWT, Kraftwerk, Lowe GGK, McCann, M+K , MMS Werbeagentur, Ogilvy & Mather, Nitsche, pure isobar, PKP BBDO, Publicis Group, Point of Origin, Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur, SPS Marketing, Sery Creative Communications, Silberball, Springer & Jacoby, St. Stephen's, TBWA, Unique, Vorauerfriends, Welldone, Wien Nord, Wirz, Young & Rubicam, Zum Goldenen Hirschen.
The largest media agencies in Austria.
In the media agency sector, the "multinationals" seem to be winning the competition with the smaller, locally well-established agencies. At least in the case of multinational companies. Many corporations are opting for centralized solutions. Even though owner-managed media agencies such as Reichl and Partner Media are also operating successfully in this area. In 2012, Reichl und Partner Media was voted Austria's most creative media agency by its clients. Incidentally, media audits repeatedly reveal that large media agencies do not necessarily buy better, let alone plan better.
The largest media agencies include: MediaCom,, OMD, Mindshare, Media1, Mec, UM Panmedia, Vivaki, Carat, Reichl und Partner Media, Initiative Media, Havas Media, Vizenum, Mediaplus Austria, Maxus.
The largest public relations agencies in Austria.
Especially the market of PR agencies has expanded in recent years with numerous one-person companies (EPU's) and smaller agencies. We are therefore all the more pleased that we also occupy an excellent position in the field of PR with Reichl und Partner Public Relations. (Medianet Imageranking 2013).
Below you will find the largest PR agencies in Austria in alphabetical order: Aigner PR, Alphaaffairs, Bauer PR, Bettertogether, Comm: in PR, Communications Matters, communicative public relations, Currycom, Ecker und Partner, Grayling, HC Marketing Consult, Himmelhoch, Ikp, Ketchum Publico, Kobza Integra PR, Lanh & Tomaschtik Communications, Leasure Communications, Loebell & Nordberg, Mayway Werbung & PR, Melzer PR Group, Milestones in Communications, MK Salzburg, Ogilvy, Peepr, PR for brand growth, PR Plus,, Pres'n Relations Austria, Professional, PR-unit, Putz & Stingl, pzwei.pressearbeit, Reichl und Partner Public Relations, Rottenschlager Consulting & PR, Sery Creative Communications, The Skills Group, Unique Relations, Wier PR, Wikopreventik.
The largest online agencies in Austria.
Especially among online agencies, some new ones have been added in recent years and some have disappeared from the market again. Reichl und Partner eMarketing is one of the longest-standing and most successful online agencies in Austria. In addition, SMC Social Media Communications was founded in 2011 to offer perfect communication concepts in the various online communities as well.
Austria's largest online agencies include, in alphabetical order: Ambuzzador, Artworx, bestHeads, Braintrust,, Crevo, Datenwerk, Diamond:dogs I group, Digitalschmiede, DMC 01 Consulting & Development,,, Fonda Interactive Media and Communication, Foon, Getdesigned, Iprospect, IQ Mobile, K25, Lime Soda Interactive Marketing, Loop, MBIT Solutions, Natives, Agency for Digital Advertising, Ogilvy, Onlinezone Advertising, Ovos, P&P Medien,, Pixel Art, Pulpmedia, Reichl und Partner eMarketing, seso media group, SMC Social Media Communications, Super-Fi Group, Vi knallgrau, Viermalvier, Worx, Multimedia Consulting, Wundermann PXP.
The largest direct marketing agencies in Austria.
Direct marketing probably appears in all portfolios of Austrian advertising agencies, although there are highly specialized enterprises for the implementation, which also work for agencies.
The largest direct marketers in Austria in alphabetical order are: Becker Mail Direktmarketing, Dialog One Direct Marketing, Dialogic Dialog Marketing Consulting, Dialogschmiede, LDD Communication, Market Calling, Sattler & Eichinger Marketing und Kommunikationsberatung, Straberger:conversations, TeleBiz TelemarketinggmbH, Call & Contact Center, Wundermann PXP.
The largest event agencies in Austria.
Live communication is a valuable addition to any communication strategy. As early as 1993, Rudolf Lumetsberger and Rainer Reichl founded the Gesellschaft für Erlebnismarketing. This company has been run independently ever since and is one of the largest and most innovative event agencies in Austria.
The following are Austria's event agencies in alphabetical order: ACTS, Alphaaffairs, AMI Promarketing, Amstrong Business Events, C&C Agency, Die Event Company, Lefor Oberbauer, dm&c destination management & consulting, DogLX, Eventery, Eventplan, Eventwerkstatt, Evotion, FMS Event Network, Fuchsundfreunde, Gesellschaft für Erlebnismarketing, GP-K, Hallmasch, Ideal Live Marketing, Inspira, KGP Events, Koop Live, Marketing, Live Event, Pi-five, Robert Steiner Familyentertainment, Stargate Group.
Reichl und Partner- the entire communication from one source.
The entire agency group has highly specialized know how in all areas of marketing communication and is therefore one of the few communication agencies in Austria that can offer holistic communication from a single source.
*) In the field of incentive and event marketing we have a close cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Erlebnismarketing. This was founded in 1993 by Rudolf Lumetsberger and Rainer Reichl and has since been run as an independent company.
**) In the area of social media, we have a close cooperation with Social Media Com. This was founded in 2011 by Petra Ackerl, Markus Huber and Rainer Reichl and has since been run as an independent company.