Support since 2017 by:
Distribution area of the campaign: Austria
Initial situation
The Salzburg Cancer Research Institute (SCRI) at the University Hospital Salzburg under the direction of Univ. Prof. Dr. Richard Greil is one of the most efficient research laboratories in Austria and is also highly regarded internationally. REICHLUNDPARTNER launched an initiative in spring 2017 to raise funds for cancer research at SCRI.
Around the fact that every second man and every third woman is confronted with the diagnosis of cancer in the course of their lives, REICHLUNDPARTNER initiated and realized a fundraising campaign for the SCRI. For the good cause, all participants made their contribution free of charge – from spokesman Otto Clemens and cooperation partner Turmöl to Austria’s major daily newspapers and TV stations. We say thank you!
The theme of the fundraising campaign visualizes the risk of a cancer diagnosis in a very concrete way and makes people concerned: It could affect anyone and everyone. But attached to this is the hope that, thanks to cancer research at SCRI, the chances of successful management are getting better.
A TV spot, advertisements, online banners and an insert in the Salzburger Nachrichten refer to the donation website