Support since 2023 by:

  • REICHLUNDPARTNER advertising agency
  • SMC Social Media Communications

Distribution area of the campaign: Austria

Initial situation

The Jane Goodall Institute Austria turns 20.

On the occasion of Dr. Jane Goodall’s 89th birthday and the round anniversary of her institute in Austria, the task was to create a campaign that could be used year-round in social media. The first step was to attract attention and to give a clear picture of what the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) Austria is doing – since its foundation, numerous projects have been launched in the field of nature and environmental protection, but also education. Subsequently, donors should also be acquired.


Nature needs us as we need nature.

Dr. Jane Goodall gained notoriety for her work with chimpanzees, but now her institutes’ projects have a holistic approach. Building on the idea that people, animals and their habitats are closely interconnected, a communication with a positive tenor and the verbal bracket “Love your neighbors” – emblematic of everything that surrounds us – was created and the topics of species conservation, reforestation, education and “BeJane” were integrated into it.


An impressive digital campaign

An anniversary logo was developed, the animated version of which illustrates that humans, animals and nature in general are closely connected; an independent and easily recognizable visual appearance with authentic images from the project areas and with a clearly optimistic core; the content for the revision of the landing page as well as a social media appearance in two phases: The first step generated awareness, the second displayed the impact connection of financial support by showing concrete donation amounts.