Caesar 2022

Three times gold, once silver and once bronze for REICHLUNDPARTNER

Linz/Vienna in September 2022 – REICHLUNDPARTNER was able to achieve a sensational success at Caesar 2022: A Gold Award in the category “Digital Innovation” for, a Gold Award in the category “Public Relations” for RE/MAX and a Gold Award in the category “Best Radio Spot” for the well-known brand MyRex. REICHLUNDPARTNER brought home silver in the Public Relations category for Intersport and bronze for Kremsmüller Anlagenbau. The awards were presented yesterday.

“The principle of the agency is to work holistically and thus be an inspiring source of inspiration for our customers,” explains Rainer Reichl. “We are happy to assist with brand positioning, creative strategy development, corporate design, classic or digital advertising campaigns, classic and digital media strategies, websites, web platforms, eCommerce, social media, public relations or event marketing. Of course, we are also grateful to our clients for giving us freedom to come up with creative ideas and implement campaigns professionally.”

The winning projects of REICHLUNDPARTNER

MedYouCate (Gold category “Digital Innovation”) is the new global learning platform in the medical field. It enables students and specialists in training to learn from top surgeons worldwide by explaining the latest surgical techniques directly in the operating room, preparing them didactically and making them available as videos-on-demand. In this way, the surgical knowledge of this world is networked into a Global Brain. REICHLUNDPARTNER is responsible for the development of the platform and its orientation and was significantly involved in the production of the technical content. With active support from the various REICHLUNDPARTNER units, MedYouCate was launched: The creative minds of the advertising agency conceived a corporate design perfectly tailored to the brand and helped with the production and animation of the high-end videos from the operating room. REICHLUNDPARTNER Digital was responsible for programming the online platform. The start-up is a creation of the agency group.

MyRex (radio spot category): The spots captivate listeners through storytelling in rhyme. The reduced production, which focuses on the essentials – just story and voice – ensures that the spots definitely stand out in every commercial break. REICHLUNDPARTNER Media made sure that this was actually the case on the web radio.

RE/MAX Austria (Gold Category PR): Housing occupies us all – often also emotionally. Reason enough for REICHLUNDPARTNER to present the market in a rational way in order to gain trust by conveying competence. RE/MAX relies heavily on public relations and only minimally on advertising in its communications. Special value is put by RE/MAX on seriousness in all interests, naturally also in communication. RE/MAX has become the communications leader in the industry with this fact-based strategy and practical implementation.

INTERSPORT Sportreport (Silver Category PR): As a leading sporting goods retailer, Intersport has made it its goal to be the topic leader in the media. This can hardly be achieved with classic business and product topics. With the “Sportreport”, Intersport is a topic setter, points out “grievances” around sports and takes a position on them. The goal: to demonstrate competence and build long-term, good journalist contacts.

Kremsmüller Anlagenbau (bronze category PR): Crisis PR does not stick to defined times – therefore the campaign starts in mid-June 2020. At that time, a showcase order from Wien AG brought the industrial plant manufacturer from Steinhaus into insolvency. The aim of the PR campaign was to convey in the media the two core statements “ruinous individual order has main blame” and “positive prognosis with reorganization plan”. The agency focused on open communication from the very beginning. The trend reversal in reporting was already clear in October 2020.