
Responsible for the content:

Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Promenade 25b
4020 Linz
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Linz FN 88702w, UID-Nr. ATU 23272802,
Management: Rainer Reichl, Helmut Raml, Michael Piber




Reichl und Partner Österreich

Reichl und Partner is one of the largest advertising agencies in Austria.

Reichl und Partner Österreich

A-1010 Vienna, Franz-Josefs-Kai 47
Tel: +43 1 535 4838, Fax: +43 1 535 4838-12

A-4020 Linz, Promenade 25b
Tel: +43 732 666222, Fax: +43 732 666444

A-8020 Graz, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6
Tel.: +43 316 23100230

Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Linz FN 88702w, UID-Nr. ATU 23272802,
Management: Rainer Reichl, Helmut Raml, Michael Piber

Reichl und Partner Media is a unit of Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur Gesellschaft mbH.

Reichl und Partner eMarketing Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Wien FN 198032z
UID-Nr. ATU 50358900
Management: Mag. Rainer Scharinger, Matthias Reichl

Reichl und Partner PR Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Linz FN 220623x,
UID-Nr. ATU 54401909
Management: Michael Obermeyr, Daniela Strasser

Reichl und Partner Future Thinking Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Linz FN 545266 m
UID-Nr. ATU76210002
Management: Matthias Reichl, Patrick Mülleder


Erlebnismarketing GmbH
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Wien FN 79331p
UID-Nr. ATU 22926305
Management: Mag. (FH) Hermann Gruber

Kärntner Ring 6
A-1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 535 4839, Fax: +43 1 535 4839-18


Reichl und Partner Deutschland
D-81827 Munich, Wasserburger Landstraße 264
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 889 97 790

RuP Werbeagentur GmbH
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
München HRB 227627, UID-Nr. DE 282691182
Management: Rainer Reichl


Reichl und Partner Schweiz
CH-8008 Zürich, Forchstrasse 280
Tel: +41 43 5510155

Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur Aktiengesellschaft
Registered office of the company and court of registration:
Kanton Zürich, CH-
Management: Rainer Reichl, Peter Marti


Wir anerkennen und orientieren uns an

  • the provisions of the BSCI Business Social Compliance Initiative Code of Conduct
  • the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • the UN Declaration of Human Rights
  • the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  • the UN Global Compact
  • the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and other internationally recognized agreements.


#Reichl und Partner #Advertising Agency, (#Positioning #Brands, #Communication #Strategy #Creative #Strategy, #Design, #Corporate #Design,#Reichl und Partner #Media, #Reichl und Partner #e-marketing (#Internet Agency, #Online Agency, #Digital Agency, #Web #Design,#SEO, #Analytics), #Reichl und Partner #Public#Relations.

Shareholdings: #SMC #Social#Media#Communication, #Agency for #Digital #Communication, Society for #Experiential#Marketing (#Event, #Incentive Agency).


Shareholdings of REICHLUNDPARTNER:

MedYouCate GmbH

Promenade 25b 4020 Linz Austria


Registered office of the company and registration court: Linz

Company register number: FN 560961v

UID-Nr.: ATU77208503

Management: Mag. Rainer Reichl