Care since 2019 by:

  • REICHLUNDPARTNER advertising agency

Distribution area of the campaign: Upper Austria

Initial situation

Newspaper deliverers bring it.

OÖ Medienlogistik is considered the largest logistics and delivery company for print media in Upper Austria. With its numerous newspaper delivery staff, it is responsible for ensuring that Upper Austrians’ favorite reading material is on the door mat every morning, right on time for breakfast. By launching a new campaign for print and radio, OÖ Medienlogistik wanted to thank its newspaper delivery staff for their daily commitment and also recruit more newspaper delivery staff.


For you!

REICHLUNDPARTNER put the focus of the campaign on the newspaper deliverers and asked the question for whom they go out early in the morning every day, in all weathers. The answer was obvious: the subscribers. For example, the creative agency had newspaper deliverers address subscribers directly and explain all the things they do for subscribers. Since newspaper deliverers are only on the road in the early morning hours, the wording played with common phrases associated with the night or early morning.



That can be seen …

In the print ads placed in regional media, REICHLUNDPARTNER literally put the newspaper deliverers in a particularly hip light and made them look really casual with cool outfits and poses. The ads were designed once for brand awareness and once for recruiting new newspaper deliverers. The same was true of the radio program, which was partly recorded with amateur speakers, and which on one occasion improved the image of newspaper delivery staff and on another called for applications to become newspaper delivery staff.

… and let’s hear!

Brand spot, 20”

Recruiting spot, 20″