Support since 2016 by:

  • REICHLUNDPARTNER advertising agency

Distribution area of the campaign: Austria

Initial situation

The Knabber Nossi PauseWrap

Austria’s most popular snack sausage has been on the market since 1979 and continues to inspire with new variations. 2017 sees the launch of a new snack: the Knabber Nossi PausenWrap, a beef sausage wrapped in fluffy wrap dough. REICHLUNDPARTNER is responsible for the packaging, shelf carton and citylight motif.


Two target groups, one approach

The communication is intended to reach two target groups in equal measure: On the one hand, the consumers – i.e. children in the 6-12 age group. On the other hand, the decision-makers and buyers – namely the parents of these children. The media strategy therefore focuses on outdoor advertising at schools and playgrounds. The goal is to create awareness for the new snack and generate initial purchases.


Funny sassy and Mexican

The PausenWrap combines sausage and bread into a complete snack and is therefore ideally suited as a school snack. While the kids love the taste and the cool presentation, the parents are mainly attracted by this rational argument. The Citylight developed by REICHLUNDPARTNER combines both – a witty and cheeky appearance and an indication of the next school day. Packaging and shelf carton were designed by us in the typical style of Knabber Nossi, with the Mexican outfit creating associations with the popular enchiladas.