Support since 2015 by:

  • REICHLUNDPARTNER Advertising Agency

Distribution area of the campaign: Austria

Initial situation

Is Austria really that clean?

Littering is also an important issue in our home country. Together with ”Alpenverein“, an alpine club, Global 2000 wants to raise awareness for the problem, identify trash hotspots and mobilize people for trash collection campaigns.

REICHLUNDPARTNER created the visual basis for this initiative with the eye-catching NaturPutzer logo and a strong campaign idea.


Active against waste deposits

In order to raise people’s awareness and to sustainably rid nature of trash, the “NaturPutzer-Tag” (NatureCleaners Day) was created. Furthermore, the NaturPutzer app was developed. It encourages participation and serves to document wild dumps.


More courage to pay more attention.

In order not to get lost in the plethora of daily advertising messages, REICHLUNDPARTNER recommended that the initiative take a bold approach. The campaign idea aims to make people look with cheeky subjects and a wink. Thus, three print subjects were designed under the slogan “dirty nature”, which attract attention and thus penetrate people’s consciousness.

TTIP campaign

In 2015, a campaign had been created for Global 2000 calling for more transparency in TTIP – the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”. Because when agreements about our food happen in the dark, we see black. This strategic idea was translated into two idiosyncratic that shook people up and invited them to participate in a demo.